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Versa-Wipes 53500 "Spilfyter"

Wipes 53500 Utility 10.25" x 9.25" "Spilfyter"

Light duty, low profile, single fold, 2-ply paper pop-up utility wipes. Fully sustainable and 100% EPA compliant for recycle. 18 boxes of 125 wipes per case.

Versa-Wipes 53500 "Spilfyter"

SKU: 78850-00-53500

    AMS Supply

    P.O. Box 41291 • Dayton, OH 45441

    2850 E. River Rd., Suite 5 • Dayton, OH 45439

    Ph. 937-867-2912 • Fax. 866-766-7476

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